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about us
PHARMAMED-MADO Ltd. is a trading company whose main activity is the registration and promotion of medical devices with a focus on anaesthesia, intensive care, oncology, pain management, paediatrics, urology, surgery, orthopaedics, traumatology, invasive cardiology, intensive radiology.

Our Area of Expertise
In almost 3 decades in the industry we managed to master wide range of our services such as our incredible salesforce, educations, solutions, promotions and many many more...
Our salesforce of professionals has strong experience in the healthcare sector in the region we cover. With diverse backgrounds, from pharmacists to medical doctors, scrubbed nurses, physiotherapists, our salesforce is all working with a common goal which is to develop trust based relationships delivering solutions, high quality products, services and advices that fit client needs.
Salesforce is organized by business lines (Interventional Cardiology and Radiology Imaging, Critical Care, Orthopedics, Arthroscopy , Cardiac surgery and Urology) and operates on a country level, exchanging knowledge and experiences on a regional level.
Our salesforce is constantly trained to improve skills and capabilities, as for example: products/services knowledge, sales effectiveness, marketing, communication, quality and regulatory requirements
We believe progresses in healthcare can be realized only when medical professional have access to continuous education. Our objective is to offer medical professionals the possibility to improve their skills and capabilities also leveraging on quality education that fits their needs.
Cooperating with our principals, education institutes, association of medical professionals and leveraging on our personnel we deliver blended learning strategy differentiated by role.
Our training opportunities include:
Sharing knowledge with medical professionals, analysing their needs we evaluate if tailor made solutions should be combined for different products/service features.
For instance:
We have our “in house” IT and Marketing team that can provide all necessery promotional services like web pages, photos, brochures, instructions if the supplier is unable to deliver its own materials or part of them.

Years of expirience



Our Portfolio
Pharmamed covers areas such as Anesthesia and Critical Care, Interventional Radiology, Invasive Cardiology, Orthopedics, Oncology, Surgery, Trauma and Urology.

Anesthesiology and intensive care


Invasive cardiology

Orthopedics and Traumatology

Intervention Radiology and Neuroradiology

Pediatrics and neonatology

Oncology and hematology

Our Initiatives
Be responsible
For that reason we all have the responsibility and duty to preserve our environment. We have come up with the slogan ‘Be responsible’ in order
Infection control
Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAIs) constitute a major health problem in the intensive care unit (ICU). They concern 5% to 10% of hospitalised patients
ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards
Pharmamed Mado d.o.o. development strategy is to enhance performance and reduce the environmental impact